Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My kids are addicted to dip.

I love dips and my husband loves dips and we have two kids that love to dip too. At first it started out trying to get Peyton to eat chicken or some other kind of meat. I have found that pretty much everything is dipped now. He will even dip his mashed potatoes in ranch dressing. I find if we don't give him the dip right away he will eat his potatoes and vegetables without dip (of course not all the time). We have even named the dips Spiderman, Buzz, and even Jessy. We did this to convince Peyton to eat his meat. We have convinced Peyton to eat his supper several times using lots of different techniques. As for my daughter, Rayna, I think she just started because she saw Peyton had some. She is convinced that whatever big brother does she has to do to. I don't think that I have to take all dips away but we do try to limit them. Sometimes, we even try not to give them.

I love to dip and my husband loves to dip so I can understand why our kids love to dip. We are just a dipping family. If I can say just this..... We at least dip together.


Anonymous said...

that gives a whole new meaning to "when I dip you dip we dip".

Anonymous said...

So you're all a bunch of dips? ;o)