Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Joys of Family Life: Is It Booger or Banana ?

Joys of Family Life: Is It Booger or Banana ?

You have to read this. This is what we moms deal with everyday. Very funny. I know that there are very gross things that I do and deal with everyday and I never thought that I would do those things or be able to deal with them. I have a strong stomach. I am even stronger when it comes to being sick too. I can breast feed a baby... clean up my 2 year old throw up and have to run and sick on the pot because I have to gooooooooo goooo gooooooo. I would have to say that being a mom was the best thing that ever happened to me. I can do anything now. I have done it all.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Second Child

My oldest is turing 3 in a couple of weeks and my youngest is turning 1 in a week. She loves her older brother and copies him so much. I really notice a difference in how much more she imitates than what he did. It is quite funny. The other day she started to make the sound my little boy does when he tries to shoot webs like spiderman. She was even pushing around a car the other day and I don't remember my oldest doing that until he was probably 18months old. She tries to play golf around the yard on her knees just like her brother. If he is hammer with his tools she is right in there too. I love the fact that they play together. I makes me smile. I can't wait until she starts to walk. I know she is going to be able to play so much more with her older brother. He loves playing with her too. They make each other laugh all the time. I tell you that when I here and see the two of them playing together it takes all the other stresses away. My husband and I often look at each other and smile when we see them together having fun.

I love my kids. I can't wait to have another. Well I think I can wait a little while. I need to recover some sleep first before we plan for the next. We hope to have 4 kids. A lot of people think we are crazy but we love the fact that they will have the possiblility to have amazing friendships with each other. My sister is one of my best friends.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Drinking While Pregnant

I have been pregnant twice and have two awesome kids. While I was pregnant I knew of and heard people talking about drinking during pregnancy. Their reasoning with drinking was that just one drink here or there wouldn't be a big deal. I just couldn't imagine drinking and thinking that I could justify it. I thought that maybe these people hadn't heard all the talk about FAS but they were educated people.

So You Think You Can Dance!!!

I am a fan of this show and very excited it is coming to Canada. I love watching the show and try to pick a couple favorites to see if they make it to the end. I also really like watching the different styles of dance. My poor husband even sits through them with me. I know he would rather be watching the Riders or some other sports show. He is a good sport. I of course enjoy dancing but with the lack of money and time I don't have the skill and/or time to practice. I have to say that I enjoyed 2 seasons ago better than last year and this year so far. I don't know if it is because I don't have the time to spend watching t.v. as much now or if the dancers haven't caught my attention as much. Enough is enough I have to go do some dishes or clean my house hopefully my next blog will be much more insightful.