Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Play Your Guitar With Murray!

Eldon and I spent a good day and a half making this spiderman guitar for Peyton. Of course Rayna would love it too but not able to ask for it. The Wiggles have a song called Play Your Guitar With Murray and Peyton really wanted to have a guitar to play with soooo of course, we had to make it. We were just as excited about making it as Peyton was about playing it. I hope you enjoy the slideshow and love the wiggles as much as we do.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Karaoke Germann Style

I love my kids! We have too much fun together. Eldon and I set up the Karaoke Machine and let the kids sing their hearts out. We encouraged them and well tried to have the tame it down a little bit. Rayna was very sensitive about everything and Peyton was a little too expressive with his singing. Rayna has the dance moves of a future pop singer and Peyton is a true rocker. Eldon fixed up the video and edited it. Sometimes it is a little crazy on the vocals but it is very entertaining. If you love to rock out to the ABC song and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star watch this video.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My kids are addicted to dip.

I love dips and my husband loves dips and we have two kids that love to dip too. At first it started out trying to get Peyton to eat chicken or some other kind of meat. I have found that pretty much everything is dipped now. He will even dip his mashed potatoes in ranch dressing. I find if we don't give him the dip right away he will eat his potatoes and vegetables without dip (of course not all the time). We have even named the dips Spiderman, Buzz, and even Jessy. We did this to convince Peyton to eat his meat. We have convinced Peyton to eat his supper several times using lots of different techniques. As for my daughter, Rayna, I think she just started because she saw Peyton had some. She is convinced that whatever big brother does she has to do to. I don't think that I have to take all dips away but we do try to limit them. Sometimes, we even try not to give them.

I love to dip and my husband loves to dip so I can understand why our kids love to dip. We are just a dipping family. If I can say just this..... We at least dip together.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Kids and Pets Are Too Funny

My daughter loves to chase our cat Catty around. It is quite hilarious. Catty is getting much better at dealing with kids. At first he really didn't like kids. He now allows Rayna and Peyton to play and pet him. He definitely doesn't let them maul him. He has his boundaries. I love the fact that my cat is interacting more with our kids now and hope that this teaches them to respect and love all animals.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Soother or Not?

The question is out there as parents do you give your child a soother or not. We have many questions as parents but this is a very simple one for myself since both my kids did not want soothers. As for my future children I guess we will see what they choose.

Peyton(boy) is three years old and never wanted a soother. I think he took it 3 or 4 times for a short amount of time. He either gagged or pushed it out right away. My little girl, Rayna, is one and she sucks her thumb. We tried a soother on and off but she would also gag and push it out. She would rather have her thumb.

It is very obvious that babies love to suck, it is soothing for them. I breast feed both my babies for one year. I sometimes would let them use me as a soother for soothing them at night or during the day when they were having a fussy time. Some people don't agree with doing this but it was a great way to soothe them and comfort them. I also found that I enjoyed that bonding time. Maybe this is also why my kids did not take a soother since I was that for them. I was there comfort instead of a soother.

I wonder what the ratio of kids that have soothers to who don't is. Take my survey.

I have found that Rayna sucking her thumb has made it easier to lay down to go to sleep than what Peyton was. He was a lot of work. I have noticed with friends and family that kids that have soothers do tend to lay down easier and fall asleep easier too. This is totally understandable since they have that soothing sucking which they have loved since they were babies.
I have also noticed that when the first born has a soother usually the second will too. Now is this because parents have got used to the first having a soother it is just natural to give the second one too or is it just genetics that they both love the soother or is it just coincident.

My findings are not true to everyone since these are only my experiences with babies, soothers, and sleep. Please let me know about your experiences and feelings on this issue as parents. Please take the survey?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

More Info Febrile Seizures

On the Huggies Happy Baby there was an article about Febrile Seizures that might interest some of you. I did noticed that with Peyton, my son, having 4 seizures within 24 hours it puts him at a greater risk of developing epilepsy. I am finding that with every year that passes the more and more information comes out about febrile seizures and they change. We are trying to keep up with the new info. We try also to keep our families and friends informed since they are around Peyton and may have to witness or even deal with a seizure without us. I hope that this helps to info others who have little ones with febrile seizures .

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Husband Is Turning Into My Father In Law

Just a question out there. Do we all turn into our parents? In the last year I have noticed my husband is turning into his dad. I have known for sometime that I am like my mom in soooo many ways. I also find I am like my father. I have also noticed that we often recognize these traits or traits in others because they are often negative traits. I am stubborn like my father and start conversations halfway through like my mother. My husband on the other hand has become a complainer like his dad. I guess not really a complainer but more upset with stupidity. Do we inherit these traits at birth or do they slowly seep into us the older we get? I do noticed that have a lot of good qualities from my mom and dad which we usually don't talk about as much.

This blog is not to hurt anyones feelings or make people mad but to make them think. I do know that I have bad or negative traits that I am sure will be passed on to my kids. I can just see it now my daughters husband will look at her and say..... You are just like your mother... You never want to admit when you are wrong.... hehehehee. Yes this is one of my bad traits. Anyways... for all you married or people in relationships take a good look at the mom and dad on the other side... yes sometime you will noticed that your other half is becoming his or her parents.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Birthday Invitation

This is some of my sons birthday invitation.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Febrile Seizures


Our oldest boy has seizures. His first four happened just before his first birthday. The first happened around 5 pm and the second around 9 pm and then the next 2 happened with in a minute of each other around 9 am. These all happened within 12 hours. I was at home with him for the first. I called looking for my husband at our friends home and he came racing home and we took him to the hospital. This was our first mistake. I should have let his seizure finish and then take him in. We were first time parents at this and were in shock and thinking our little guy was dying. I knew he was having a seizure but he looked like he was having trouble breathing too. We were very soon thrown into the world of doctors, worries and panic. Our family doctor has been awesome through our experience. Some other doctors have not.
Now our son has had 9 in total with the last being last February. We are definitely more informed now and hope to inform and support and share our stories with other families dealing with the same febrile seizures. When we first started to share our stories about our son and his seizures we got a lot of different responses.
From some of our religious family members we were told that we should baptize him, others were worried about damaging his mental capabilities after the seizure, and other thankfully were calm and very supportive. We were lucky because my parents witnessed and had dealt with febrile seizures before. I had one when I was 1 year old just after my immunization.
My husband and I were determined to learn more about these seizures and reassure and inform people about them. A lot of people compared his seizure to a kid holding his breath and a kid having a temper tantrum. This was not even close. We wanted our family and friends to be well informed about these seizures since he can have them when ever he was running a temperature. Most of my immediate family has witnessed one of his seizures. My husbands family though has not and we really wanted them to be able to witness what it would look like. This I know sound horrible, but if they could see what it would look like they would know what was happening and we think be able to react calmer.
I have dealt will all of his seizure except one. I was either by myself, with my husband or with family. At the beginning my husband and I thought we could prevent them if we could keep his temperature down... and we found out very quickly that if they are going to happen they just do. There is nothing we can do to prevent them. I guess that is not exactly true you can give your child seizure medication which we do not want to do since they are just febrile seizures and do not cause any long term effect on him.
I hope this blog gets noticed and I can communicate with other parents of children who have febrile seizures.

Friday, July 4, 2008

What really matters

Check this video out.  It really makes you think about what is more important.  I know that many times a day my husband and I complain about things not going our way or us having bad luck. We are pretty well off.  We have a lot of luck in our lives and are very happy to have the special things we do have.  I guess what I am trying to say is we often think about us and ourselves instead of others and I think that we should try to focus more on others and how we can help.

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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Joys of Family Life: Is It Booger or Banana ?

Joys of Family Life: Is It Booger or Banana ?

You have to read this. This is what we moms deal with everyday. Very funny. I know that there are very gross things that I do and deal with everyday and I never thought that I would do those things or be able to deal with them. I have a strong stomach. I am even stronger when it comes to being sick too. I can breast feed a baby... clean up my 2 year old throw up and have to run and sick on the pot because I have to gooooooooo goooo gooooooo. I would have to say that being a mom was the best thing that ever happened to me. I can do anything now. I have done it all.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Second Child

My oldest is turing 3 in a couple of weeks and my youngest is turning 1 in a week. She loves her older brother and copies him so much. I really notice a difference in how much more she imitates than what he did. It is quite funny. The other day she started to make the sound my little boy does when he tries to shoot webs like spiderman. She was even pushing around a car the other day and I don't remember my oldest doing that until he was probably 18months old. She tries to play golf around the yard on her knees just like her brother. If he is hammer with his tools she is right in there too. I love the fact that they play together. I makes me smile. I can't wait until she starts to walk. I know she is going to be able to play so much more with her older brother. He loves playing with her too. They make each other laugh all the time. I tell you that when I here and see the two of them playing together it takes all the other stresses away. My husband and I often look at each other and smile when we see them together having fun.

I love my kids. I can't wait to have another. Well I think I can wait a little while. I need to recover some sleep first before we plan for the next. We hope to have 4 kids. A lot of people think we are crazy but we love the fact that they will have the possiblility to have amazing friendships with each other. My sister is one of my best friends.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Drinking While Pregnant

I have been pregnant twice and have two awesome kids. While I was pregnant I knew of and heard people talking about drinking during pregnancy. Their reasoning with drinking was that just one drink here or there wouldn't be a big deal. I just couldn't imagine drinking and thinking that I could justify it. I thought that maybe these people hadn't heard all the talk about FAS but they were educated people.

So You Think You Can Dance!!!

I am a fan of this show and very excited it is coming to Canada. I love watching the show and try to pick a couple favorites to see if they make it to the end. I also really like watching the different styles of dance. My poor husband even sits through them with me. I know he would rather be watching the Riders or some other sports show. He is a good sport. I of course enjoy dancing but with the lack of money and time I don't have the skill and/or time to practice. I have to say that I enjoyed 2 seasons ago better than last year and this year so far. I don't know if it is because I don't have the time to spend watching t.v. as much now or if the dancers haven't caught my attention as much. Enough is enough I have to go do some dishes or clean my house hopefully my next blog will be much more insightful.